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Please implement a two-stage chicken

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Please add a second stage to the chicken feature. The first stage would have the bot retreat to a safe distance from the damaging mob at a higher percentage of remaining health (example 60%) and the second stage would exit the game at a lower percentage of remaining health (example 20%). We should still be able to set the percentages to tune them for our individual characters. Thank you.

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That would be nice but I imagine it would be difficult to program the bot to figure out where is a safe spot to retreat to.

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He doesn't need to figure out where to go, he just needs to run the opposite direction of the mob that is attacking him for a couple seconds. A few moments is all a character usually needs to heal up and get back in the fight. Plus a few monsters will usually follow and this will thin the mob out.

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Or just run the way he came. Would be a great help in situations when you get "mobbed up", but don't want to loose the drop from this neat evil enemy by logging out... :D

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