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What i wanna do is box my own party , so basicly i wanna control one toon and have the rest of the toons fallow me and assist in killing mobs.

what features that gonna require :

- fallow the party leader, and fallowing the PL have priorities over killing mobs to avoid dieing

- option to turn off loot

- bot supporting multiple games on same pc

so what features of the above the bot have and are you going to implement the missing one ? :roll:

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Botting with 5 characters on different maps brings up more loots than botting with 5 characters in the same group...so why grouping up?

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do you mean liek diablo bots ? (number 2) where you typed !party for itto party you and !tp for a tp or !ng for next game etc and it basicly runs and farms, so in theory you could charge people to join epic runs, or have mates follow it for xp / items?

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playing on HC and doing maps ;D

Well, idk if this kind of feature is coming soon mate it's really not a priority we first want the bot to be able to farm random zones properly and to everything on his own really well, once this is done we'll think about such features.

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