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Anti chicken to prevent ban mecanic...

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We realy need a max chicken/hours or just after x chicken the bot stop option.


I realy don't understant why that not already implemented because sometime the bot is stock in a loop and chicken none stop (for whatever reason: I had a scroll issue and some random issue that the shift key was stock).

Yesterday I check my bot and 2000 chickens...pretty sure that account is now doom.

Thanks for all your hard work ;)


 [info] -> Restart because run timer exceeded x seconds
 [info] -> Idling...
 [info] -> Currency not found : Scroll of Wisdom !!
 [info] -> No id scroll found in stash, generating idling state..
[info] -> Restart because run timer exceeded x seconds
 [info] -> Idling...
[info] -> Currency not found : Scroll of Wisdom !!
 [info] -> No id scroll found in stash, generating idling state..
[info] -> Restart because run timer exceeded x seconds

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hm, what is your max run time? the standard setting is 1000 sec. that is around 16 min, which would be ~ 4 chicken per 1h. hc players non botters have more in 1h :mrgreen:


chicken displayed on the gui aren't necessarily chicken's all the time. if there are really odd high numbers, he most likely didn't leave and relog 2000 times. the counter for chicken is often bugged. its gonna display chickens for example when your bot is stopping at stash, once all stash tabs are full.


tho again nothing to be worried about.


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oooh..... okay thanks; didn't know that the gui counter was not accurate. That make sens xD I should have check the time stamp in the log my bad.
Have a good day!

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I had over 800 chickens one day due to wisdom scroll issue. I watched it actually chicken for awhile. At the rate it was chickening i believe the counter was pretty accurate.

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