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Chromatic Orb Recipe Vendor Items

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+1, but alrdy suggested. i would love to see ppl reading before posting.


can u post an official todo list or something like this?

would help alot. since there are soo many double posts nowadays.

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interesting recipe? the best one is the rares

trade a full set of rares to vendor.. and you get 2 chaos.

would be badass if you can have bot pick up and keep track of rares.. like you have a rare unid chest .. so i am not going to pick up another.. once you get a full set.. upgrade to 20% quality and vendor that for 3 chaos orbs.

you do that, i will buy you a 30 pack :)

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How do you get the bot to pick up all items that work with that recipe?

In case it wasn't clear, I was referring to the chromatic orb recipe.

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Such features will be nice to have someday but I think there is much more important stuff to bugfix/add atm...


simple identifing and selling would be op alrdy.

othwise just stashing is cool like it is atm.

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ofc its not the end of stashing and item organizations ;)

but at this state of the bot there are several things to do before.

for example get rid of all those bans...

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mhmm I don't think that the bot is the reason why someone gets banned actually, its more the botting behaviour of the banned persons!!>

true, but im not sure if ur actually reading posts. since this got mentioned quite often alrdy.

anyways good to post it again since ppl dont believe it...

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