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Hello Everyone!

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Hello All,

First off it is nice to see a bot finally being developed for this game as there are many reasons why people bot. I for one, like to bot specifically because of time. I have a child and wife and cnnot live my life on a game (even though I would like to) as I have things to take care of. Therefore I feel I am at a disadvantage when it comes to currency an gear because I cannot farm like most. When they do season races I fall severely behind because I cannot be on as much as others, so I do depend on bots to keep me up to par.

On another note, I am a programming entrepreneur and am really interested in learning C# and watch how bots function. I am also looking to donate and help the production of this bot but at the same time have some major concerns, as i said I am learning to program myself and know that eventually there will be anti bot measures implemented by GGG. Will this team be able to overcome the anti bot measures. I know it is all we will see as it comes, but judging by how sloppy the coding is in this game, i cannot expect their first measure to stop bots to be very successful.

Lastly, I have a video I will post with some questions to the bots dependability as I see new things being implemented yet there are still some old issues. I understand there is a piece to ease and appease the community but some of these minor issues really should be fixed/addressed before moving on some of these issues have been there since the initial release of the Alpha version. One example is that the bot just randomly stops. As I said, I will post a video and post my configuration settings as it may be user error.

I want to thank all those supporting this bot and all those taking the time to produce a bot for this game as some people really use the bot for reasons explained in my first paragraph.

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Hi Verminus,

Thanks for your support and for your review on the bot.

We care a lot about reviews like your on the bot because we're really close to our users (we don't ignore you, like i said to someone else earlier, if we could fix all the problems in a single release we'd be happy to do it).

As you have work, I have studies i'm not done with this is why we're not going as fast as we could.

On Jully i'll be done with school things, I'm 25 and can't fail at studies atm it's too much important, that's why I manage to do both studies and helping on this bot as best as I can. I'm pretty sure we'll overcome the anti bot measures as I did on Diablo 3....i can tell you I made a bot on Diablo 3 last summer and it's still running 24/7 even without any ban problem...i've a close customer circle (around 50 to 60) which had 0 problems using the bot.

The thing is, coding a quality bot really takes a lot of time because you have to fulfill everyone's needs, you have to make the bot secure so noone's getting banned (lucky us POE is free to play...not like diablo) one of the things which will take a lot of time on this bot is the AI because i'll pretty be forced to code an AI for every "famous" build on this game...I don't know yet how i'll handle with this, if we'll ask people to let the bot use a skill on a said situation or if i'll "ask" people to use said skills to bot with a said profile...i don't know yet we'll see how people react to our next releases...

Nice to see someone like you in there dude, wish you'll have some great time with us ;)

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Sounds like you have most things under control and as I said, I just started learning C# last week and the main reason I started to learn this was because I love bots :). I do understand how time consuming it is as there is A LOT to it and in just the couple weeks I have started to program little things like Hello World and a simple console application containing "if" and "else" variables, I really see the complexity of making a bot like yours :). Next month I plan on contributing to the bot for the $15 and hope that I can help in anyway possible. I am uploading the video now, it takes awhile because my internet is slow at uploading xD. Good luck and again, thank you for being the first to bring a bot out in the public to let people know there is a bot coming for PoE :)

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welcome dude good to see another dad in here whos not much time any more lol, i feel for ya mate i know the story lol

drop me a pm we can hit some docks :)

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Sounds like you have most things under control and as I said, I just started learning C# last week and the main reason I started to learn this was because I love bots :). I do understand how time consuming it is as there is A LOT to it and in just the couple weeks I have started to program little things like Hello World and a simple console application containing "if" and "else" variables, I really see the complexity of making a bot like yours :). Next month I plan on contributing to the bot for the $15 and hope that I can help in anyway possible. I am uploading the video now, it takes awhile because my internet is slow at uploading xD. Good luck and again, thank you for being the first to bring a bot out in the public to let people know there is a bot coming for PoE :)

Hi Verminus82, welcome here!!

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