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Just VMware power

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Just a crazyVM!

You are facing problems with VMware, Hardware or Software? Your VM freez, flicker, go blackscreen or need 20GB only for Windows? ?? You have read carefully all the guid's but it seems your problem is unique? Than you are at the right place!

Offering advanced Support for VMware, Hardware (PC Setup, tweaks & optimization), Software and many more. You are facing a problem? I’m sure there is a solution! Over 7 years of experience in optimization and troubleshooting of Windows and VMware. Like to go extreme?

2020 Update: Windows 10 Pro 64Bit /650MB RAM /5,5GB Installation size ....optimized to rock browser, 2D & 3D games.

Awesome spec's? That’s can’t be true? That’s details of a Win XP VM 10 years in the past? Here is the answer:

Contact (DE/ENG/RU/PL) via Skype: crazyVM


Edited by ghbdtls
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Hey Mate,


Iam here for my +1  :D

Nothing to say. This guy Simple know's what he is talking about. He did the whole Setup for my vm's and bot's.

With a few clicks here and there iam now aviable to run on my PC up to 10 Bots at same time or 9 Bots and playing on Main system myself without any Issue.


I dont know really much about PC,Vms,Cinfigs or shit like this but what i know is, this guy is a genie or God for stuff like this!


Q: How to Setup my PC

Q: How to Setup my VM

Q: How to Setup my PoE


A: Just Use a ghbdtls


See Ya on Skype Mate!

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Потрясающий сервис, благодаря этому человеку сэкономил не одну неделю мучений.

Всё четко и качественно товарищи.

Лучше один раз попросить о квалифицированной поддержке, чем потерять недели на свои глупые ошибки.

П.с с его настройками кпд  увеличился вдвое. =)



Edited by aplekin

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Настроили максимальное количество ВМ на мою машинку. Результатом очень доволен. Рекомендую

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Got char leveled, good end result. Some very nice items on there as well. Came with skill tree to continue with. Farming t10 easy, waiting till he gets into red maps :)

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yea, i would like to know more about VM and best config for window /OS version , I have been botting on a single cpu with 18 max VM before, but I quitted for a year and now come back just for fun again! 

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Hey, been using this guy's services for a few weeks now, at first we couldnt get stable and efficient VMs on my computer, no idea exacly why and it took many many tries and days to figure out how to fix it properly and i almost gave up trying several times but he kept coming back with new potential fixes.... and eventually he found the problems and fixed them ^^ 



i can say i don't regret doing business with him and hopefully the problems i had were specific to my computer specs and won't happen to everyone :P but if it does happen he will find a way to fix it :) 



Recommended if you want someone to setup your VMs throught teamviewers ^^ 

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