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Seems that the array error is gone indeed, good job =)

true its running flawless here. not 1 error so far from autopoe


great job :!:

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vertify by e-mail? O.o when you login in PoE it will ask for a code (sometimes), you have to write it from the e-mail. This can read e-mail and get the code automatically.

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Oh, ok that makes sense.

I configured the file correctly, but it doesnt start the bot or run any scripts. It just logs into the character selection and than sits there forever...

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well if i rename the bot exe to Exiledbot.exe it works, but opens the bot several times ànd because of this it crashed a little after any fix for this? (newest release - an hour ago!)

For resolve this problem, you need to write all letters in lower case like "exiledbot.exe"

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need help :(. autopoe wonts login :((


Config File:

; Help:
;  poe section:
;    user               -> Your account name (e-mail)
;    pass               -> Your account password
;    folderpath         -> The directory where the "PathOfExile.exe" can be found
;    arguments          -> Command line arguments for PathOfExile.exe (Read more: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/321900)
;    timeout            -> Restart if idle for this amount of time in minutes (If not logged in, set higher then 10 with slow computer)
;    shutdown_on_update -> Shutdown computer on PoE update (for safety reason)  (0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled)
;    max_update_time    -> Restart if update is not finished after this amount of time in minutes. (0 means disabled)
;  bot section:
;    folderpath         -> The directory where the "ExiledBot.exe" can be found
;    timeout            -> Restart if idle for this amount of time in minutes. (If logged in running with bot)
;  mail section:
;    user               -> Your e-mail address (Empty means disabled)
;    pass               -> Your e-mail password (Empty means disabled)
;    pop3               -> Your e-mail host's pop3 server (SSL does not working, mail.aol.com is recommended)
;    port               -> Your e-mail host's server port (usually 110)
;    wait_time          -> Wait this amount of time in seconds before retrying e-mail reading
;  settings section
;    logging            -> Enable logging (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled)
;    log_file           -> Log file (if enabled)
;    click_delay        -> Program will not click again for this amount of time in seconds
;  scripts section
;    runfolder_         -> Will run every file with the extension specified down (NOTE: write key after _, eg a number)
;    runext_            -> Will set the extensions (NOTE: write key after _, this will link the two settings together)
;    runscript          -> If you don't want to run every script in a folder you can use this, it will run only one file
;       Example usage:
;          runfolder_1=C:\Scripts
;          runext_1=exe|ahk
;          ^ This two line will run every ahk and exe file found in C:\Scripts ^
;          runfolder_2=C:\Scripts_2
;          runext_2=exe
;          ^ This two line will run every exe file found in C:\Scripts_2 ^          
;          runscript=C:\OneScriptOnly\test.ahk
;          ^ This line will runy only test.ahk found in C:\OneScriptOnly ^
;    NOTE: It will not detect if script is running or not, also it will close process (if exe extension) before run,
;          and AutoHotKey.exe before running autohotkey scripts
folderpath=C:\Program Files\Grinding Gear Games\Path of Exile

- newest exiled bot
- autopoe of this thread
- pretty sure that i set up correctly the pathes
what happens?
1) i press autopoe
2) Let autostart
3) POE opens
4) POE Login site appears
5) - nothing anymore - no press - no exiled bot start - no pw typing - nothing
if i then press manuelly on "log in" button - exiled bot starts 
i tested: 
- empty AUTOPOE cfg file - with no pw and user name
- tried with checked and unchecked "Save Login Details" in POE Welcome screen
My gear:
- wind00fy7 32bit
- gateway europe
- vmware 10
Log File:
[17.12.2013 22:54:30]: System startup
[17.12.2013 22:55:16]: System startup
[17.12.2013 22:55:21]: Starting client
[17.12.2013 22:58:24]: Client timed out, restarting
[17.12.2013 22:58:34]: Starting client
[17.12.2013 23:00:03]: Panic button pressed   ( --------> pressed by me)
Edited by dasnon

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need help :(. autopoe wonts login :((


Config File:

; Help:
;  poe section:
;    user               -> Your account name (e-mail)
;    pass               -> Your account password
;    folderpath         -> The directory where the "PathOfExile.exe" can be found
;    arguments          -> Command line arguments for PathOfExile.exe (Read more: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/321900)
;    timeout            -> Restart if idle for this amount of time in minutes (If not logged in, set higher then 10 with slow computer)
;    shutdown_on_update -> Shutdown computer on PoE update (for safety reason)  (0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled)
;    max_update_time    -> Restart if update is not finished after this amount of time in minutes. (0 means disabled)
;  bot section:
;    folderpath         -> The directory where the "ExiledBot.exe" can be found
;    timeout            -> Restart if idle for this amount of time in minutes. (If logged in running with bot)
;  mail section:
;    user               -> Your e-mail address (Empty means disabled)
;    pass               -> Your e-mail password (Empty means disabled)
;    pop3               -> Your e-mail host's pop3 server (SSL does not working, mail.aol.com is recommended)
;    port               -> Your e-mail host's server port (usually 110)
;    wait_time          -> Wait this amount of time in seconds before retrying e-mail reading
;  settings section
;    logging            -> Enable logging (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled)
;    log_file           -> Log file (if enabled)
;    click_delay        -> Program will not click again for this amount of time in seconds
;  scripts section
;    runfolder_         -> Will run every file with the extension specified down (NOTE: write key after _, eg a number)
;    runext_            -> Will set the extensions (NOTE: write key after _, this will link the two settings together)
;    runscript          -> If you don't want to run every script in a folder you can use this, it will run only one file
;       Example usage:
;          runfolder_1=C:\Scripts
;          runext_1=exe|ahk
;          ^ This two line will run every ahk and exe file found in C:\Scripts ^
;          runfolder_2=C:\Scripts_2
;          runext_2=exe
;          ^ This two line will run every exe file found in C:\Scripts_2 ^          
;          runscript=C:\OneScriptOnly\test.ahk
;          ^ This line will runy only test.ahk found in C:\OneScriptOnly ^
;    NOTE: It will not detect if script is running or not, also it will close process (if exe extension) before run,
;          and AutoHotKey.exe before running autohotkey scripts
folderpath=C:\Program Files\Grinding Gear Games\Path of Exile

- newest exiled bot
- autopoe of this thread
- pretty sure that i set up correctly the pathes
what happens?
1) i press autopoe
2) Let autostart
3) POE opens
4) POE Login site appears
5) - nothing anymore - no press - no exiled bot start - no pw typing - nothing
if i then press manuelly on "log in" button - exiled bot starts 
i tested: 
- empty AUTOPOE cfg file - with no pw and user name
- tried with checked and unchecked "Save Login Details" in POE Welcome screen
My gear:
- wind00fy7 32bit
- gateway europe
- vmware 10
Log File:
[17.12.2013 22:54:30]: System startup
[17.12.2013 22:55:16]: System startup
[17.12.2013 22:55:21]: Starting client
[17.12.2013 22:58:24]: Client timed out, restarting
[17.12.2013 22:58:34]: Starting client
[17.12.2013 23:00:03]: Panic button pressed   ( --------> pressed by me)


first: if its your account i recommend you to change your password ASAP :D

second: your settings looks good if it starts the bot and the poe too (manually) then its something else. How much time did you wait after the login screen appeared?

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what the arguments i need to add to make my poe (game client) run as administration? because i got this open file security warning from windows and nothing going after this.

im using sharefolder for vm's

VMware 7.1.6 build-744570

Windows 7 Ultimate Lite x86 Faster June 2012.waqarr

Edited by mbxnir

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btw arguments is for poe arguments like --nopatch etc.

please use google how to make this message disappear, btw if you click on PathOfExile.exe with right click, properities->compatibility->always run as administrator or something else (note: i use different language) then it will run PoE as administrator all the time

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btw arguments is for poe arguments like --nopatch etc.

please use google how to make this message disappear, btw if you click on PathOfExile.exe with right click, properities->compatibility->always run as administrator or something else (note: i use different language) then it will run PoE as administrator all the time

i can set this properties at shortcut but not at pathofexile.exe in poe folder :/ and the autopoe cant run shortcut as i can see...

problem solved!

http://forum.oszone.net/showthread.php?t=48507&page=all soz but find only in russian :D

Edited by mbxnir

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first: if its your account i recommend you to change your password ASAP :D

second: your settings looks good if it starts the bot and the poe too (manually) then its something else. How much time did you wait after the login screen appeared?

no not my account :D. just trolling.


waited 2 minutes up to 10. 

if i click login button, than bot starts. if not i see the login screen and nothing happens.

does autopoe use imagesearch for the login button? 

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no not my account :D. just trolling.


waited 2 minutes up to 10. 

if i click login button, than bot starts. if not i see the login screen and nothing happens.

does autopoe use imagesearch for the login button? 

ye, as u can see inside the .au3 file. try to make a pic from the login button ;)



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Im having same problem as dasnon,



Loads up POE, and nothing happens on login screen. I double checked and the folder paths are correct. Any suggestions?

Got it working, I guess since my screen is super bright from VM 8 (I tried VM 7 which fixed the brightness but it crashes often) I had to retake the screenshots of the Login and Login_Hover. 


This concludes my setup.

  • Connected via PPTP VPN and I changed Route Settings so that only the VPN's IP has internet access.
  • A simple autohotkey script to reconnect the PPTP connection in case it gets disconnected from my internet crashing (happens rarely but still happens).
  • Your script to fix up any POE or Exilebot crashes/problems

This should truly be 24/7 auto botting with prevention of IP leaks.



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not working with new version of bot? at least mine dont want to start bot (i did rename .exe)

Edited by mbxnir

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not working with new version of bot? at least mine dont want to start bot (i did rename .exe)

Nope, it uses memory address to check if at login screen. Since new version off sets are different. 



@BlackSun How do you manually find the char login base address? I am only able to find memory addresses of things like HP/MP/Stats etc. How would I go about finding the base address of login screen in cheat engine?Not even sure where to start lol.

Edited by babaking310

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Got an issue. Bot window opens & closes all the time, on character selection screen.

does it wait like 10 sec before closing the bot?

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