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Mechanic to stop moving in town

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Ran around some hours with my bot yesterday in Highgate due to something going wry while pausing and leveling up gems.

(yes, there is autolevel... was leveling my CWDT-setup so, autolevel was no option that time)

Bot worked well before and went crazy afterwards. I realized that first after I came back to the machine after some 2-3hrs.

Bot must have been running around town in the same pattern over and over again without change.


My suspicion is: These hours are the reason I got banned!


So it would be awesome to include a system that stops the bot from running all over the place while going nowhere.

For example after some time in town without zone-change or after a certain number of unproductive steps, the bot stops and logs out, or idles or whatsoever.

Because: something is wrong and needs to be corrected.


From what I read about how this bot works, there is a good chance that you know what to expect the bot to do and what he absolutely should not do.


For me as a no-programmer: Is it hard to include something like that?



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alk is aware of it and will take care of those problems in the next updates. in any other case make sure u got enough scrolls and dont stash items which are useless. focus on farm currency and sell rares to make more currency. stash only items 1+ exalt worthy.

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