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Progress and suicide

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Is it in plan to complete progress function? for example i set bot to go "cruel -> 3 act -> some zone" and bot start to go to that zone from 1 level, i left him, in few hours i look at him, and if he stuck in case lack of DPS or something, i rearm him and he continue. And do this untill bot go to that zone.

And one more. If i botting one area, Cruel -> Crossroads for example, when my level is higher than that zone - my loot rate is lower too, so is it possible to add function like "suicide", and when my bot will go to town for stashing/selling he will find mob and wait untill this mob kill bot, lose exp and no levelup.
thanks for advice,

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You won't see the suicide option. The bot is free 1-45, if the bot had a stable sucide mode then players would just stay below 45 reliably and not have a reason to upgrade the bot. It'll cut into profits

Edited by DocBrown

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