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looking for some help setting up automated dvd burning

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im willing to pay cash or forum gold if you can tv on a few p/c and set up a way to automatically burn a few dvds back to back... i have a program but i am willing to use a different one... i dont think this would be to hard but i would want it to be user friendly and if needed support when i break it... would also need to buy about 3 p/cs purely for burning dvd's if you can recommend some setup's but that wont come til a few months down the road prolly


if you have a price plz leave it or if you know a good place to find some1 that can do this plz let me know ty

Edited by omega

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point taken :D


sadly i have no clue about it, gl finding help



i think i just now realized what your asking


im burning movies

Edited by omega

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