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Aura detection features - Time saving

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I run many rigteous fire bot an my bot always stuck on new map or new zone to recast aura that are already up.

A feature that the bot recognize that the aura are up will be awesome and safe so much time !!!!


J'ai remarqur que mon bot recaster tjrs mes aurra a 90% du temps pour rien, une fonctions qui permettrai 

de savoir que les aurra sont déja up sauverais bcp de temps  certains d'entre nous.





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Normally bot should recast aura only if it dies or get disconnected to login..

Did anybody else notice this issue of bot recasting auras when it shouldn't on newest versions ??

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Ive got an issue - like sometime my bot dont recast the aura - on a new map its ok but like die or chicken idk wich one but

bot always focus to kill monster insight before casting aura but sometime tp is like near a tons of mob. my bot run rigteous fire

so like 6 chicken and start a new map


lose a little but time but not so bad.


If ou could check that.. or its me in configuration idk why.. 


on previous version like 0.55 and before the bot havent that bug.

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