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please help me, I'm lost!

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I am new to bots and I have followed the instructions and set it up. The bot does move me, but it either does not attack monsters or attacks them extremely slowly so that with a new character, I die if I get attacked by 2 zombies at once. Please tell me what I'm doing wrong!

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You can't just start a new character, press 'start' and expect to get to 80.. (Yet; right Alk? :P)

The toon has to be able to sustain leveling in an area (preferably) within a level of -/+ 5, for run after run. This usually means having enough life/mana regen (through flasks, charges or items) and still be able to clear the zone of MOBs to gain XP and/or use IIR and/or IIQ.

If you are interested in more tips let me know.

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Oh yea, I wasn't expecting crazy leveling like d2 bots, but I should be able to sustain the very first area with a new character considering I can clear it on my own with absolutely no problems. I was just looking to put my computer down and let my bot go to work faster than I would myself...

My config is as shows: sorry for the long post, it wont let me attach word documents or .ini files

; Bot main config file


; Define here which character you want to use in the character selection screen (default : 0, top character).


; Define here what is the last act unlocked by your character.


; Define here what is the last difficulty unlocked (1=normal, 2=cruel, 3=merciless).


; Open chest ?


; Open chest under this range (clean monsters before) (0 : infinite).


; Level gems ?


; If you want to use Alt to loot items, setting this option to true may reduce the number of crap loot, to use this parameter, you need to enable the option Key Pickup in the UI options and be sure the highlight key is set up on alt (default : true)


; Here write the name of the zone that you want the bot to clean. You have to write it /! HE SAME WAY/!as it is written in the coordinates.ini file (without _x or _y ofc). For now, the bot can only clean one zone per run.


; Important!! you have to give the act which the zone belongs.


; Set the difficulty desired (1=normal, 2=cruel, 3=merciless).


; Percent of the map from which bot consider map is cleared, bot will restart instance when value reached.


; If the number of dead monster around character didn't change during last 60s (default), next instance! (set to 0 to disable this feature).


; Maximum time (in seconds) allowed per run. when timer is reached, exit to login and start again.



; Bot will kill any monster at this range before looting anything (chest and item).


; Max distance to engage monsters (0 : infinite)



; If life goes below this value, use pot.


; If mana goes below this value, use pot.


; If life goes below this value, chicken.


; If energy shield goes below this value, chicken (default : 0, means that it is desactivated).


; Flask key in slot (begining from left).


; Flask healing time (in millisecond).


; Flask key in slot (begining from left).


; Flask healing time (in millisecond).


; Flask key in slot (begining from left).


; Flask healing time (in millisecond).


; Flask key in slot (begining from left).


; Flask healing time (in millisecond).


; Flask key in slot (begining from left).


; Flask healing time (in millisecond).


; Flask cooldown to avoid using flask multiple times when low life.


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It should be able to sustain the very first area with a new character considering I can clear it on my own with absolutely no problems.

Not exactly. You think, the bot doesn't.

Human: "Oh i'm losing a lot of health maybe I should run away."

Bot: "Oh i'm losing a lot of health maybe I'll stand here and not move at all"

Human: "There's a huge mob maybe I should try to thin them out"

Bot: "Heyy look at all the monsters lets go run into them face-first"

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I recommend marauder facebreaker Infernal blow large health pool and good regen. Ordinarily if im playing the toon id, want vaal pact but the bot works better with pots tbh. It doesn't forget to pot and does it very quickly and efficiently..

Before i got that account banned on saturday 3 days total to get to 74 and farming lunaris like a boss.

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I appreciate the responses but noone is really answering my question. I understand how the bot works, what I do not understand is why the bot approaches an enemy and then does not attack it, or attacks it once every few seconds.

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