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Focusing Voll/ other main bosses in a map.

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TLDR: When farming just Voll, maybe make him just find Voll and ignore other mobs, or have it focus Voll when character does find him; not his minions.


Selecting Act 4 and running Voll basically just runs like Dried Lake, but looks for Voll and kills him.


An option to just find Voll?


Or can be as it currently is, but when it finds Voll it will focus him and not his surrounding summonings.


Some of my builds can easily facetank Voll, but in instances that it decides to waver away from focusing Voll and attacks his minions instead, the character often dies because it does not have a stable target to life/ mana leech from.

Edited by RayyFaMulan

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Having never farmed Voll, I'm curious about how profitable it is to farm Voll. My bot makes about 5ex after running maps for 24hrs. Is it much better to farm Voll?

I choose to farm it occasionally for the chance to get Voll's divination card for Voll's Devotion. Other than that... I also think maps are heaps better. 


But I'm sure RNGesus is the deciding factor on what is better.

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