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Advanced Flask Usage (Quicksilver/Divination etc)

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There is a stage most of us eventually hit where we don't need to use mana/health flasks anymore, and it would be cool to be able to do more with those slots.

For example my personal favorite:

To help cut down speed between reaching the next mob make the bot use a Quicksilver flask when there is no monsters within '#'

Shouldn't be too hard since we already have a safe range for opening chests, just need to make it use a quicksilver instead at this point

But there could be all sorts more like:

When a nearby elite has increased elemental damage use a flask of that element

When you become frozen/burned use a flask with dispels frozen/burning

When you are near a monster with increased damage, or 'absurd HP' use a granite flask

We could even get one to use the legendary hybrid flask (Divination Distillate) when attacking a rare enemy when it's health drops below #% to get better drops

But overall, I've found my bot to work quite well when I quickly pop a quicksilver flask after it finishes off a mob.

I think the bot would quite benefit just from this if not the others.

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Thanks for the suggestions madmayhem, this is already on the todo list for some time but I didn't find time to take care of it.

Maybe we could keep here a list of the generic behaviours wanted depending of each non-life/mana flask type.

It would help a lot to improve flask AI.

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Ok cool.

If something like this is added in, would we have to tell the bot beforehand what flasks we have in each slot and what affixes they have on them, or would the bot be able to read that? (like dispels burning for example)

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