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Use instant flasks instantly

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If the hp is lower than x%, the bot should ignore "overall flask delay" and use an instant flask immediately.


The problem now is the bot would wait for the "overall delay" to expire before using an instant flask. 


Suggestion: if a flask slot has an instant flask, then this flask should not be affected by the "overall delay", so we can use it as soon as hp is lower than x%.

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Thanks for checking in. While you're at it, please consider this new flask system that probably takes less work because it doesn't require the bot to detect flask types.


When the hp is low, it helps to take many types of flasks instantly at the same time. It'd be nice if each flask slot has an independent hp trigger, and each flask has the option to be used instantly when the hp is low. This means the global hp trigger can be removed. Instead, add an hp trigger to each flask slot.




Global delay: 4s


Slot 1 & 2:

HP below: 70%

Recovery time: 4s

Ignore "global delay": No  (will wait for 4s before using another flask)


Slot 3 4 5:

HP below: 35%

Recovery time: 0.1s

Ignore "global delay": Yes

If "ignore global delay=true", then the bot is forced to wait 0.01s (set by user) before using another flask (this prevents the bot from pressing 3 4 5 at the same time)



In this example, if your HP is below 70%, the bot uses #1 and waits. If your HP drops below 35%, the bot uses 3,4,5 instantly almost at the same time.

If your HP stays between 35-70%, the bot waits for 4s before taking another flask.

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