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Always Recast - Blood Rage? Some masters missions?

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There is an option to always recast Righteus Fire. I guess the bot is searching for image of this spell on top of the screen. I think it should be quite easy to make something like this with Blood Rage.


Right now i'm using a cooldown with this skill, but sometimes it's just a waste of precious 0,5s ; ] , My char died a few times when cast this spell before large group of mobs (strongboxes i.e.)





I was wandering if there could be an option to do masters missions. These simple one's like Vagan's or Elreon's. Tora's mission with killing corrupted mobs also should be quite easy - all the bot would do is to just talk with master and accept mission (sometimes talk is enough).


Basically - accepting mission from master and just leave bot to work should be enough to complete some missions. Like with Vorici's mission to assasinate target.





sorry for my english

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