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[Revert request] Returning to the same zone after TP out

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The new feature lets the bot return to the same zone through TP after TP'ing out. Sounds nice, but lowers the efficiency of my bots by a lot.

1. Backtracking cannot be prevented anymore because the bot just returns to a nearly empty zone and starts running around again.


2. If the bot gets stuck somewhere in the zone, instead of TP out and resetting it, he comes back through the TP in the same spot and gets stuck again.


I beg you to either revert this change back to the original state or make it optional for the people who like it.


Thank you very much.

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Haha shit, I hate when people ask for revert. People are asking for hideout working not only with map farming as well.


Took note of all this, and I'm gonna work on something that will make everybody happy.

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The new feature lets the bot return to the same zone through TP after TP'ing out. Sounds nice, but lowers the efficiency of my bots by a lot.

1. Backtracking cannot be prevented anymore because the bot just returns to a nearly empty zone and starts running around again.


2. If the bot gets stuck somewhere in the zone, instead of TP out and resetting it, he comes back through the TP in the same spot and gets stuck again.


I beg you to either revert this change back to the original state or make it optional for the people who like it.


Thank you very much.


I'm observing a crazy bug: 


1 - bot open a portal to sell;

2 - back from town to old instance;

3 - someone kick your ass and you died;

4 - he click to back to town (I think this is the first bug because back to last chackpoint would be better)

5 - he will create a new instance;

6 - if died again

7 - (second bug?) he back to first-old-instance from tp opened O.o 

8 - when he enter the instance, he open a new tp, back to town and create a new instance. But, if he died again, he'll kepp going back to first-old-instance from tp



Haha shit, I hate when people ask for revert. People are asking for hideout working not only with map farming as well.


Took note of all this, and I'm gonna work on something that will make everybody happy.


I'm really enjoying the new feature, but instead remove it, we can wait you solve this bugs or you make the option for chose what is better for our bots when we wait more stability.


Anyway, keep doing the good work

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I beg you to either revert this change back to the original state or make it optional for the people who like it.


Thank you very much.


Is it not optional now? Just use "esc+exit" instead of portals?

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