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Suicide mode?

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Any idea on suicide mode??? I wish my bot could suicide once in a while so it doesn't level up and get drop penalty. Farming in a certain map for me is the most profitable way to earn currency.


I wish you are looking into this.



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There is no currency drop penalty in any level of map.


Edit: Just realized you might be referring to zones, not end-game maps. If thats the case, its probably best to just gear up and run the bot in act4 merci. Most any build can effectively farm there with cheap gear. Also remember that it's easy to get flagged if you are farming low level zones.

Edited by philatio

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There is no currency drop penalty in any level of map.


Edit: Just realized you might be referring to zones, not end-game maps. If thats the case, its probably best to just gear up and run the bot in act4 merci. Most any build can effectively farm there with cheap gear. Also remember that it's easy to get flagged if you are farming low level zones.


Thanks for your reply.


I want to farm Jack card in  merciless dock . I used to make a lot of chaos farming the cards when I was level 62-68 farming. Farming that card alone and exchange for soul taker is extremely profitable. I'm not aiming to level up. But my char is now level 79 and I can see significant drop penalty. I used to get 40+ card with 50 iqr over a night but it's now only 3 cards per night per 200+ map recreation.


I tried to make a glass cannon char with high dps to fast clear a map and get 15% exp reduction once per 2 or three run but he is now 75 even with full iir and iqr and almost non-existing defense and hp. The clearing speed that he does is overwhelmed the exp penalty.


So I tried almost everything to keep my char level 64, but it's next to impossible.


I wish that exiled bot team will read on this and make this "suicide mode" thing because it's best way to farm real life cash.


It's the best way to mkae cash in game, period. You can farm mjolnir, soul taker, victario acuity or voltarix rift with very inexpensive gear and effortless. 



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Thanks for your reply.


I want to farm Jack card in  merciless dock . I used to make a lot of chaos farming the cards when I was level 62-68 farming. Farming that card alone and exchange for soul taker is extremely profitable. I'm not aiming to level up. But my char is now level 79 and I can see significant drop penalty. I used to get 40+ card with 50 iqr over a night but it's now only 3 cards per night per 200+ map recreation.


I tried to make a glass cannon char with high dps to fast clear a map and get 15% exp reduction once per 2 or three run but he is now 75 even with full iir and iqr and almost non-existing defense and hp. The clearing speed that he does is overwhelmed the exp penalty.


So I tried almost everything to keep my char level 64, but it's next to impossible.


I wish that exiled bot team will read on this and make this "suicide mode" thing because it's best way to farm real life cash.


It's the best way to mkae cash in game, period. You can farm mjolnir, soul taker, victario acuity or voltarix rift with very inexpensive gear and effortless. 



40 cards where in the beginning of the league after awakening was launched. ggg nerfed the drop rate of jack in the box hard after 1-2 weeks, because everyone was abusing it. the high drop rate wasn't intended (it was a bug more or less), and coupled with the chance to even have a shot at a legacy unique, it didn't make much sense.


now the drop rate is below average or back to normal, time to search something new to farm. that strategy isn't working anymore since ages.


your feeling about less drops has actually not much to do with the slight drop penalty because of your higher level. Since for currency drop calculations you are capped at level 68, you would be considered 4 levels above the Docks. After 2 levels a penalty begins. The penalty is 2.5% per level above 2, so 5% penalty overall.

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Thanks by miles!!! So it doesn't matter at all even you are level 100 and farming on merci docks? You only get 5% penalty at maximum right? And how is that number working with your iiq and iqr? Assuming that you have 300 iqr, will that 5% take off 15 out of your 300 or just 5 out of your 300?


Whatever the case is, I don't see the point of having drop penalty at all because it's so insignificant.



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Thanks by miles!!! So it doesn't matter at all even you are level 100 and farming on merci docks? You only get 5% penalty at maximum right? And how is that number working with your iiq and iqr? Assuming that you have 300 iqr, will that 5% take off 15 out of your 300 or just 5 out of your 300?


Whatever the case is, I don't see the point of having drop penalty at all because it's so insignificant.



penalty is only for currency & divination cards, hence only a quantity effect. rarity has no effect on currencies.


don't know exactly if the penalty goes on all quantity or just the base.


but yeah for the purpose of this penalty lvl 100 and lvl 68 are equal.

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Docks can be one of the best places to farm, I agree. Especially if you wear like 50+% iiq. Its very easy for an overleveled character to farm. Dried lake might be slightly better, but you cant run that zone from hideout (more detectability)

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Docks can be one of the best places to farm, I agree. Especially if you wear like 50+% iiq. Its very easy for an overleveled character to farm. Dried lake might be slightly better, but you cant run that zone from hideout (more detectability)


What's the best drop from dried lake? The best I got was Rat Nest.

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What's the best drop from dried lake? The best I got was Rat Nest.


Umm, its where brittle emperor drops.


But yea, its not about the getting the BEST drop, its about getting the most drops. High mob density coupled with very fast clear speed, equals the most profit :)

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