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Jp here, hmm what can i say

I do have a background of heavy botting in many games (d2 / d3 / Wow / Knight Online / Silkroad / Runescape ...)

At, what i consider my peak botting, i was running 40 Wow accounts using the MMOGLIDER bot (formerly WOWglider).

I work as an IT Security Specialist / Analyst

Been running 3 Bots almost 24/7 for around a month now. Made Roughly 25$ worth in exalt (looking forward to make more)

Looking forward to help some people out there!

P.S. Grats on making the bot fully passive, this is one hell of a job to detect now!

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hey hi,

welcome here ;)

since u call urself an IT Security Specialist / Analyst ;)

u might be able to write some infos about how to make the bot accounts save against getting banned by multiple accounts?

like what is save to run the vms network and vpn/proxy things.

there are a few tutorials out there alrdy (one of them written by myself xD), but as i know, i just got no clue about networks.

just wrote down what i was guessing after a few hours of research...

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Hey Thormrand, is JP for Jean-Pierre ?

Cool presentation, and I'm glad that you liked our fully passive work :)

Jp Stands for Jean-Philippe :) and yes, just waiting on you guys to make it fully shadow :) so no more Vm thing.

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