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Suggestion: Auto config change

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I think it would be usefull to have this feature, it would work like this:

autoConfig config2.ini

minTime 18000

TimeInterval 2000


config2.ini would be your second config file, with diferent farm location and timers.

Time Would be the time interval that you would like the bot to change configs. Lets say you put 18000 (seconds) after 5h the bot would change configs, and start using the config2.ini.

TimeInterval Amount of seconds that minTime can proc, something like minTime will proc between 16000-20000.

level If you wanna change configs based on your char level instead of time variables.

Using this kind of autoconfigs we could automate wholes acts of leveling in POE, just needin to rush the waypoints before. I dont know if it is possible to actually do this in Exiled-Bot, but I hope you guys can extract some from this.

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Yes of course this is planned, would be like a script engine for AI scripting, allowing you to make your own behavior scripts with multiple profiles.

On short/mid-term, multi-zone botting and botting in area without wp will be implemented.

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