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Pickit Table ( Mean Gui Interface ) for easy remove no value item

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Is probably possible to add a Pickit table with all category and all unique items.


Now we need a big configuration to add or remove some crap items.


With a Gui and simple checkboxes we can improve the speed of configuration.


Example :


Belt Button / Open a page with all Unique Belt with a checkboxes and on the side the

stats for rare belt u want to keep like poe.trade in simple


This will be awesome !!!!

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no offense, but i think the whole pickit concept is fine as it is. it isn't alk's fault people if peeps are too lazy to edit their pickit. and there is still Cowding 's pickit, who should cover every loot in the end.


i mean literally you have to edit it one time to your needs, and can use it "forever". takes max 30 min to 1h and is a one time thing. you are aware you can copy/paste it or?





take this as a base, and edit what you want to add/remove. don't think its too much to ask tbh. since Cowding will probably add everything lootable in the game, you just have to remove things you dont like. even less work :mrgreen:

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