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Map Mods

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How do I turn off/reroll the 'of Bloodlines' suffix on maps? I use the affix list from this thread, but it doesn't seem up to date. The Bloodlines suffix is missing.



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I was looking into updating this but unfortunately the way I set everything up makes things complicated. Using the mod value means that whenever there are changes then I have to reacquire the new values. For example, the value of 1016 in my old list corresponds to the cast speed value for the Fleet affix. Now, it is associated with Physical Reflect damage. So I would need to dump every single mod and adjust their values. This would take a long time, and would still be prone to getting changed in the future.


For the moment though, the value for Bloodlines is 2559 so you would need the following line to reroll it (1st line for Alteration rolls and 2nd line for Alchemy rolls):

[2559] > "0" && [Rarity] == "Magic" # [RerollMods] == "true"


[2559] > "0" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [RerollMods] == "true"

Additionally, the bloodlines mod is a hybrid roll that comes with More Magic Monsters, which corresponds to mod value 1046. Using the same coding, one could set the value to exclude lower rolls on this part of the mod. The value range is 20 - 50 so if you wanted to only run with bloodlines values of say, 40+ then you would use the following:

[1046] < "40" && [Rarity] == "Magic" # [RerollMods] == "true"
Edited by XeroKill

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