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Re-enter portal if map not fully cleared or items left

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I found that as soon as the inventory is "full" the bot opens portal an leaves for town, sells items and creates new instance. However it's leaving unique items / 6-socket items etc.


Would love to see the bot re-entering the portal if there are still items on the floor or map not fully cleared.


Thanks in advance.

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So I added more IIR and IIQ to my char. Within 2 minutes inventory was full, portal to town was created, items ID'ed, sold and new instance was created. Now when I would do this 30 times in an hour it would raise suspicion with ease. So in my opinion, this would be very beneficial to us all.

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Currently I moved to another bot after a friend told me that the bot -which name I won't mention- does not leave loot behind. Since then my loot has triplicated and I can farm Fellshrine. But I still miss this Bot and will return using it when this has been implemented.

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yah a simple ui setting "reenter ini until explored" would be nice!


keep in mind that it lowers ur monsterkill/h a lot.


i good pickit is the solution usually.

who needs these rares and chromatic items when u can focus on uniques currency and 6 sockets. way more income!

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+1...my bot just leave shavronne wrapping alone and pick other rare item then open portal and selling rare item ..then open another new portal..luckly i just watching it at that moment

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yah a simple ui setting "reenter ini until explored" would be nice!


keep in mind that it lowers ur monsterkill/h a lot.


i good pickit is the solution usually.

who needs these rares and chromatic items when u can focus on uniques currency and 6 sockets. way more income!


Dyna is correct in this. From a purely profit point of view, picking up rares/chrome items actually lowers your overall bot profits. 6 sockets are the "meat and potatoes" of botting ;)

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