madmayhem 1 Report post Posted September 3, 2013 The pathfinding is a great tool and it has opened up a great deal more possibilities with this little program, but as with many good things I have to say that it has also closed some doors. This now works wonders in areas that we couldn't effectively run at all before now but it has rendered some areas very inefficient, for example in The City of Sarn which was a very popular spot to run before the pathfinding, we are now very inefficient as we sometimes head down to the bottom left, and very slowly zig-zag back and forth, exploring the area pretty inefficiently and taking up a lot of time before heading back up the top. My idea to try and prevent this from happening so often is some kind of 'direction prioritization'. The idea here is that the player assigns some kind of direction (in degrees possibly instead of co-ordinates, to make it easier) or maybe each area could have a pre-defined priority unless there is no obvious best route for the area, to again give an example with The City of Sarn, I could use this to set my directional priority to 135 degrees (top left) and the bot would not run more then say a screens distance in the opposite direction (still need to get around obstacles). To sum it up whichever point is the furthermost it has walked in the assigned direction, it could not walk more then a screen to the opposite of that, or something similar to that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest seanpf11 Report post Posted September 3, 2013 ^ my sarn works great, lower your exploration Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
d12 3 Report post Posted September 4, 2013 ^ my sarn works great, lower your exploration and read the description BEFORE u chage values. if ur not 100% sure what ur doing just DO NOT do it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites