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[Guide] Ranged attacks setup

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This is a guide for ranged attacks and how to set them up.


The problem with ranged attacks is that sometimes the mobs are under the ground and the bot keeps trying to shoot at them and gets stuck there, to counter this problem we set up 3 different Buttons with different settings.


Button 1:

Priority: 6

Cd: the CD your attack has multiplied with 1000 mine is at 0,56 so i should use 560.

Max: 20


Use shift: Yes. I use it don't know if you have to :D Melee should not use this function at all


Button 2:

Priority: 7

CD: the CD your attack has multiplied with 1000 mine is at 0,56 so i should use 560. If you have really high attack speed it might be better to put in a higher CD so you walk towards the mobs faster and "stutter-step slower" if that makes any sense .

Max: 40


Use shift: Yes. I use it dont know if you have to :D Melee should not use this function at all


Button 3:

Priority: 5

CD: 2000

Max: 65


Use shift: Yes. I use it dont know if you have to :D Melee should not use this function at all


What this does is that when the bot finds a mob it shoots from 65 range and has a 2 sec time to run towards the mob and then at 40 range it starts stutter-stepping towards the mobs. If you have put in the correct CD on the 2 skills the bot will have the same "dps" as it would have had if it was standing still.


I also have kite function active on my bot

Kite Range should be somewhere between 20 and 30 and kite delay should be your cd once again.


Edit: corrected my grammar a bit :D

Edited by kuske8888
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Nice input man!

A little diff to my personal solution. but who knows whats better!

Gonna try in on my ranger as soon as my fucking pc works again :)

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this works perfectly with my poison arrow build, it shoots some arrows and then starts running away.

Edited by kuske8888

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If i use this set-up will my bot be getting up close to mobs to attack first, then it will kite away? at work cant test currently, just curious

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It will shoot at the max range and then get closer, closer until it reaches the kite range you have setup, it might run into mobs some times mine does it, but it will kite back again to the kite range if possible, the problem with the kite function is that if mobs are all around you it will try to run away and will run into something else and trigger the kite function again until it reaches the kite range that is why it looks like the kite function is bugging out.

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It will shoot at the max range and then get closer, closer until it reaches the kite range you have setup, it might run into mobs some times mine does it, but it will kite back again to the kite range if possible, the problem with the kite function is that if mobs are all around you it will try to run away and will run into something else and trigger the kite function again until it reaches the kite range that is why it looks like the kite function is bugging out.

Tried this and its working better than expectted - i use totems so a little more distance is my style, i doubled about every non-zero value for a little mroe distance, works great :)

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Tried this and its working better than expectted - i use totems so a little more distance is my style, i doubled about every non-zero value for a little mroe distance, works great :)

I'm glad it works for you, what CD do you have on your totems? I heard 700 is good but i don't know as i haven't tested it yet.

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Thanks, it really well works. However there is a problem with murder of elite monsters in bubble. They become impregnable for the bot, there are some ideas how to kill them?

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Thanks, it really well works. However there is a problem with murder of elite monsters in bubble. They become impregnable for the bot, there are some ideas how to kill them?


hmm i dont really know...

You could lower the range of Button 1 to max 15 and button 2 to min 16 that way you will force the bot to kinda face tank all the mobs after some time but i would not recommend it. I'm using poison arrow and it doesnt have that problem as it is like and aoe dot in the air that they just walk into.

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@kuske8888 If you want to make guides for specific builds please state so. Your Topic  states a guide and you provded specific settings to a specific build.


I can move this to my post if you wich to make more details on your build + settings. So people can get some inspiration..



This is no guide, this is a post regarding your settings to your specific build.

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