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Cyclone Again

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I've had a few short runs this week and he is doing much better with the lockstep. I set leap slam cool down to 0, 0-40 range and priority of 5. I set cyclone to cool down of 50ms, 0-15 and priority of 9. I think if he gets stuck and can't attack the short cool down allows leap slam to be used and will typically unstick him. Most nights I'd get like 200 runs and die maybe 120 times. Now I get like 150 runs and die maybe 20 times. I know those 20 deaths are from this bug, but it's much better now.

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So after a few hours I'm having many fewer issues, but this problem still persists. It is always when there is an object or an elevation difference between the player and the mob.

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I had a look on this issue today, and indeed, that's not an easy one.

Can't think about any simple relevant way to fix it..

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isnt it possible to check if the attack is dealing damage to the monster the bot wants to attack? if not it has to move the mouse and run to previous coordinates. something like that would fix it :)

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My cyclone is working pretty well. The issue persists but I haven't had any serious issues. Just can't run any high-level (>71) content because those few seconds of stoppage will probably result in death.

What I do to make cyclone viable is use leap slam as my #2 skill with a priority of 3 and no cool down. Cyclone priority 9 with a 75ms cooldown. It seems that when cyclone doesn't cast because of this issue, leap slam will instead. The result is a slightly less-effective run (because maybe 1/4 of the casts will be the weaker leap slam), but no stoppage of the bot.

Aqueducts runs well so far doing this and docks is ok. Testing Kaom's stronghold now.

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