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[Introduction Post] - IX___

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Hello everyone,

Just thought I would introduce myself. I have been using this bot for a few days now and currently have it running on 5-10 computers depending on the time of the day. As for my interests:

I am a self-teaching C++/C# programmer. (I hate the phrase 'Self-taught' as it implies that you have already learned everything. The truth is that you are always learning each and every day, hour, minute, and second. ) My hobbies include debating (Especially dragon-lore), reading, programming, and botting/gaming. I am currently a 10th grade student however I have already completed all of my high-school classes and have been taking my classes at my local college. I intend to graduate either this year or the next. After graduation I am looking to move onto a yet-to-be-decided college (I'm looking at MIT, Harvard, and a few others. ) to get a degree in computer sciences. I may update this at a later time to include more information if I feel like it.

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