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Introducing cHi-ses-

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Hi guys.

i am chi-ses-, i am a guy in the mid twenties from germany and a computer scientis.

i have some experiences in programming bots. i worked with a team on a kal-online packetbot. but before a few years my job forced me to quit.

actually this is not a packet bot, but perhaps i can help u with programming ( if the programming-language is mine :P ).

so if u are interested, please contact me and send me further information about your team/bot. (programming-language, team-size..)

ahh guys, i am sorry for my bad english. i hope you understand it :P

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Hi and welcome chi-ses-

Nice to see some more developers in there, it's always a good thing to have some you around :)

Well, I can tell you the bot is done in C++, however i can't really tell you about the team size. :)

Your english is good enough for everyone to understand it so it's good enough for us ^_^

Once more, welcome on our forums, hope you'll have some good time in there. :)

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Yes, i'm a developer, I'm mainly a web developer but i also do a lot of AI for bots routines.

I'll also be coding on the bot itself in a few time once i'll have enough time to go deep in the code :)

You can pm me if you want, however i can't promise anything ^_^

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