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Hi all, This software is most excellent.

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Just a quick post to say Hello.

Been using this bot for over a week now and loving it, its breathed new life into poe for me.

I have been playing poe for over a year now. I mostly use the bot to speed up leveling and make getting characters to end game easier as one of the things I enjoy most about POE is trying new builds. I turn the monster target distance right down along with the pickit/chest loot range and then just run through the game without all the hassle of having to target everything manually and worry about potions and whatnot, It is great fun for me. Thanks for this software! Donation incoming. :D

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Hi Botman,

You first scared me with your name i was like uh someone from GGG displaying his name like "hey guys we're friends, no worries" xD

Welcome on our forums, how you'll have some great time with our bot.

Btw a lot of really really really hot stuff is coming in the next days so, stay tunned ;)

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