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[Recipe Handling] - Handling of Simple Vendor Recipes

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There are many vendor recipes that would be extremely helpful or profitable for the bot. Here are some of the more simple (yet useful) recipes:


Portal Scroll --> Wisdom Scroll


This allows the bot to sell excess portal scrolls to the vendor, turning them into wisdom scrolls. With this option people with IIQ/IIR wouldn't be in danger of running out of wisdom scrolls and vendoring unidentified rares. (Of course, a better solution would just be the ability to pull ID scrolls from the stash for this particular problem.)


Any map + 20% Quality Gavel --> Cartographer's Chisel


This would require the bot to collect white Gavels and apply Whetstones, then vendor them with a map. Ideally the map would be pulled from a list of maps designated in the Pickit. The lowest zero quality map, or lowest zero quality ignored map could work too.


Of course, the ultimate goal would be to handle the turn in of rares in exchange for chaos and regal orbs. We could also do 40% combined quality of maps, flasks, gems, etc. for their respective turn ins.


Once the core of [Recipe Handling] is implemented, the Pickit file would ideally let players define exactly what they wanted to turn in. Here are some sample cases:


1 Set of Rares (identified) --> 1 Chance/Chaos/Regal Orb


Players designated a stash tab (or more) specifically for [Recipe Handling]. The bot places at most 1 rare for each slot in the tab until there are enough for a full turn in. The bot then grabs all of these items and vendors for an orb.


1 Set of Rares (unidentified) --> 2 Chance/Chaos/Regal Orbs


Players could use the Pickit to designate a base item to keep. The bot would place at most 1 unidentified rare (from a list of designated bases) in the stash until there are enough for a full turn in. The bot then grabs all of these items and vendors for two orbs.


1 Set of Rares (unidentifed) (20% quality) --> 3 Chance/Chaos/Regal Orbs


This recipe is just greedy, but  ideally [Recipe Handling] would be implemented in such a way that this recipe could be configured in the Pickit without requiring more development time than the previous cases.


[Recipe Handling] would significantly increase the amount of currency farmed by the bot, and is one of the best "luxury" features we could hope for now that the bot is reliably functional.


Please feel free to offer your thoughts and feedback on this suggestion, or ask any questions that would help flesh out the idea.

Edited by Omegabare
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Selling Transumations would give you 4 id's per orb, and the transumtations aren't worth anything in particulare afaik..


That's another way to obtain ID scrolls, but not particularly related to [Recipe Handling].

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