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Suggestion for 6 socket pickup

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I know that when mousing over items you can copy (ctrl+c) and then paste(ctrl+v) to a text doc such as notepad and it will post all the info that the mouse is hovering over(i used this to check item levels being traded)... It would simply after combat!!! copy paste and then check a value.. if sockets = >6 pick up else ignore... other things are also listed.. I know this would be time consuming and processor heavy but it would be an easy to implement way of searchign for gear ect...

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For Example if you copied a random item in game on the ground and pasted you would get something like this

Rarity: Magic

Frosted Rusted Hatchet of the Cloud


One Handed Axe

Physical Damage: 5-10

Elemental Damage: 2-4 (augmented)

Critical Strike Chance: 5%

Attacks per Second: 1.25


Sockets: B-G


Itemlevel: 7


Adds 2-4 Cold Damage

+7% to Lightning Resistance

Now the sockets are linked so they have a " - " in between the colors... all you would have to do is check for 6 random letters or 4+ " - " and keep or else discard \ dont pick up

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u definatly should do that ;)

since it seems like its rly hard to find links in the memory.

but pls dont let the bot pickup 4L and 6S items by default as suggested.

would just trash the inventory.

maybe just give us a config file option where we can just tell the bot the minimum amount of sockets and the minimum amount of links to pickup.

everyone would be happy then i guess ;)

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Imho its not about the sockets but about the links.

A 5l or even 6l is very to extremely valuable. 6S is quite easy to found on merci with a bit of IIQ or IIR.

If it would be possible to make the bot pick up 5l and 6l items it'd increase the bot value by OVER NINE THOUSAND!

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alrdy on some todo list ;)

just be patient. theyr about to release pathing ina few which gives a rly big boost to the bot.

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