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[3.5] New Location Login Fix

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So, I decided to publicly release a script that inputs your password when you chicken out.

I got a new VPN and I guess there's something about the tunneling that confuses PoE's IP tracking.

Therefore, whenever the account tries to re-login with its old credentials, it asks for the password to be input again.


This should fix the issue, aside from the unlock code.

You can contact GGG to remove the unlock system.





1. Input your password in the provided "password.txt" before running the script/exe. You will have to have the provided exit.bmp in the same folder, aswell.

2. Change your bindings in-game. Set "Detonate traps" to X. This will unbind "switch weapons" and prevent the script from switching your weapons.

The reason this happens is due to the image detection. When you alt tab in/out of the bot, it'll trigger the detection in its leniency of 100 shades. If your password contains the letter X, it'll switch your weapon if PoE is in focus.

3. Follow the next set of instructions.


As TadaceAce has said, you can change the coordinate of exiting to login screen to character selection.

One problem with using only this method is the occasional disconnect/realm restart. So, both methods are recommended to use.

In order to do as TadaceAce has said, here is what you do:

1. Open coordinates.cfg

2. Find "exit_to_login_button_y".

3. Add 20 to that value. So, I put 260.

4. Contact GGG to remove the unlock feature on your account.


Download 3.5:




Please donate (in my signature) or rep me if you feel like I deserve it.




Changed window title search to not include (Elite)

Massive fix!
Added imagesearch for ok button incase the bot attempts to log in before the script identifies the exit button!
Reverted 15 second delay to 5 seconds

Changed 10 second delay to 15 seconds

Added click on ok for new location - in case the bot doesn't pause quickly enough. 
Added 10 second delay.

Fixed width

Added GUI
Added panic button (ctrl+q)
Added colors
Added updates.txt

Added another "enter" during character selection, changed to 5 seconds of delay to each enter -- This may fix the "bot resumed but stuck on selection screen" problem.

Fixed delays

Edited by Deityslayer

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I just changed the coordinate on the chicken to exit to character select instead of exit to login.. I see no reason to go all the way back to login and it bypasses this entire issue.

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I just changed the coordinate on the chicken to exit to character select instead of exit to login.. I see no reason to go all the way back to login and it bypasses this entire issue.


Oh, what a great idea.

Oh well, at least this source code should help future scripters!


edit: Actually, this may be a failsafe script aswell. A random DC or something would put you back in login screen.


So, I'll actually attempt to help people that have this issue, so I updated the main thread with your suggestion.

Edited by Deityslayer

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