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Restart script

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Ive been plagued with crashes lately and its been getting frustrating. The old goto was autopoe, then eb-tools, but they appear to be defunct now.


Saw this thread - https://exiled-bot.net/community/index.php/topic/3377-need-help-script-to-automatize-the-botstart-and-pc-reboot/  and it got me thinking about doing something similar in ahk.


So, Ive got a functioning ahk script below that will just restart everything after a specified amount of time:

Loop {
Process, Close, PathOfExile.exe ; close existing instances
Process, Close, ExiledBot.exe 
 sleep, 1000 * 5						
run C:\*\PathOfExile.exe  ; re-open
  sleep, 1000 * 50 ; delay for poe to load
run C:\*\ExiledBot.exe
WinWait, Exiled Bot (Elite)
WinActivate, Exiled Bot (Elite) ; Make sure were on exiled bot screen
  sleep, 500 ; small delay
Send {TAB 3}  ; Tabbing to start button
Send {Enter}
WinMinimize, Exiled Bot (Elite) 
  sleep, 3600000 * 2 ; Sleep until next restart (hours)

Any ideas/improvements? Been thinking about adding some sort of crash/hung detection, though this seems like it would be hard to test. It would be nice to send start command directly to the bot, but that is currently above my knowledge.


Thanks for any input :)

Edited by philatio

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Thanks a ton immo. Id love to know how you went about figuring that out. Anyhow, id like to add some crude scheduling to this script. Here is the line im having trouble with (omitting unneeded stuff):

if (A_Hour . A_Min>0301) && (A_Hour . A_Min<1101)

Trying to get the correct syntax here for this to trigger when its between two different times (between 3:01am and 11:01am in this example). Does that look correct?



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Ive been plagued with crashes lately and its been getting frustrating. The old goto was autopoe, then eb-tools, but they appear to be defunct now.


Saw this thread - https://exiled-bot.net/community/index.php/topic/3377-need-help-script-to-automatize-the-botstart-and-pc-reboot/  and it got me thinking about doing something similar in ahk.


So, Ive got a functioning ahk script below that will just restart everything after a specified amount of time:

Loop {
Process, Close, PathOfExile.exe ; close existing instances
Process, Close, ExiledBot.exe 
 sleep, 1000 * 5						
run C:\*\PathOfExile.exe  ; re-open
  sleep, 1000 * 50 ; delay for poe to load
run C:\*\ExiledBot.exe
WinWait, Exiled Bot (Elite)
WinActivate, Exiled Bot (Elite) ; Make sure were on exiled bot screen
  sleep, 500 ; small delay
Send {TAB 3}  ; Tabbing to start button
Send {Enter}
WinMinimize, Exiled Bot (Elite) 
  sleep, 3600000 * 2 ; Sleep until next restart (hours)

Any ideas/improvements? Been thinking about adding some sort of crash/hung detection, though this seems like it would be hard to test. It would be nice to send start command directly to the bot, but that is currently above my knowledge.


Thanks for any input :)



This will seem so stupid, but how can I use that script ?, I'm currently having a lot of issues due to game crashes on the VM, and need a automatic way of cloasing-opening the bot and the game every some time.


Thanks in advance.

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It was written in the Scriptinglanguage AutoHotKey and since philatio only supplied the uncompiled source you need to either download & install autohotkey or get a compiled version of this script.


You can download & install AutoHotKey from here and since i am such a nice guy i compiled philatio's script for you... you can download the exe here. (i need to apply some changes to philatios script in order to get this working!)

Oh, thanks! I tried the exe and when the game gets started the client tries to download the game into the desktop, or install it, its kinda weird :S


Any advice to fix this? It's like it opens the game without recognizing the rest of the files and tries to download it entirely...


Tried to download AHK too and use something similar to what philatio posted but it gives the same result, i noticed too that when the script tries to open the bot, windows ask about giving permission to run and that, any way to disable that confirmations?


Thank you in advance, I do have really none idea about this things and you are helping me a lot

EDIT; ok, im stupid, had to use the exe inside the poe folder....


More problems, anyway xD...  Now it does open the game normally, and the bot, but it does nothing after that (Im using it in the VM, maybe has something to with the keystrokes or.. idk).


Another question would be if its possible to change some values on the delays and that things, thanks for this :)


Edited by Righteous1

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Erm, what are you expecting to to this script? I mean this is a script just for restarting game & bot every 7200000ms. It doesnt check if any of those two programs crashed, it simply restarts both within the fixed amount of time...

sounds like you expected something else!?


Please try to take a look at the source philatio posted, AHK isnt really hard at all, i am pretty sure you'll understand the code easily and figure out which values to change to adjust the timings for your needs...

Yeah, i mean that after opening both things, it does not start the bot, in the original script it does tab 3 times and then enter to start the bot, by the phrase "it does nothing" i mean that it does not start the bot, only opens both things but that has no use if it does press "start" on the bot xD


Sorry if it sounds annoying, maybe im wrong, but it was supposed to actually start the bot after opening both things, no?



EDIT: well, fixed, did use the sample script in AHK on the first post and it does that tabbing process nice.


Ty for your patience :)

Edited by Righteous1

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Sorry, I havent been around much lately on these boards to do much with this script. Thanks for all the help, immo.


Really it does everything I need it to in current form, but ill add a compiled version without all the tabbing crap. Might even be nice and add some variables at the top for entering paths, though its pretty obvious currently *shrug*

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I understand this thread is somewhat old, but I'm interested in bringing this concept back to life, as I experience a lot of crashes as well.


First question is, when this was written was there no hiding of the binary built in?  I ask because I am not a long time user of the bot and there is nothing in the script to account for the prompt that currently exists asking what binary to hide it in.


That immediately funnels into the next question - do the majority of users actually obfuscate their binary?  I believe it is known that GGG CAN see memory space outside of their own using Anti-Cheat, but that they are not doing anything to look at it (probably due to privacy issues this raises), so is there any reason to even hide the binary?


Then, I would be curious if anyone could help with the HEX commands needed to get around in that window?


Here is my big picture for this, due to the particular issues that I have:


First, when my bot/poe crashes on my VM, I MUST restart the VM in order to hide the binary again (or even launch Exiled-Bot for that matter).  I am not sure why this is but for some reason since version .3xx my VM will not allow me to reattach to any running processes, even newly running processes.  As such, my plan is to use the script to terminate the processes IF they are running (gracefully if possible).  Once the processes are no longer running, I will send a restart to the system.  Included in the startup of Windows will be the AHK script, which will then launch POE, then the bot, then obfuscate the binary, then start botting.

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