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POEStashSort - POE stash sorter

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Link: http://github.com/Kokosoida/POEStashSort
(Click "Download ZIP" button at bottom right)


Key features:

  • It works with currency
  • It works with 1*1 items only (everything else will be moved to your inventory)
  • It's configurable
  • It's free
  • There might be bugs. Be patient.


For casual users:

  1. Before using:
    1. ​Install AutoHotKey
    2. Resize POE to 800x600
    3. Get some free space in your inventory (everything script can't sort will be moved there)
    4. Unbind "c" button in POE settings
  2. How to use:
    1. Run "read_stash.ahk"
    2. Wait
    3. To emergency stop - press Esc
  3. How to change sorting order:
    1. Just chnge order of lines in "classes.txt"

For advanced users:

  1. Read "casual users" section
  2. How does it sort:
    1. Script goes through your stash tab and presses ctrl+с
    2. Scrip classifies each item by comparing item description to words from 1st column in "classes.txt". Second corresponding word from "classes.txt" is consider as item's class.
    3. Script reads your desired inventory layout from "sort1.txt". (there are 12 rows and 12 cloumns in this file)
      1. Possible values are:
        1. "___" - this cell in inventory will be left blank
        2. "any" - any item can be placed in this cell (items will be ordered)
        3. any class name (second word) taken from "classes.txt"
      2. For better understanding take a look at sort2 example.
    4. Script sorts!
  3. How to add new items to sorting system:
    1. Add new line to "classes.txt"
    2. First word should be a word from item decription of new item
    3. Second word should be some class name (think it out). 
  4. Check .ahk file. In first lines there are values you might want to change.

Nothing works. Pls help me:

  1. If you have a bad connection or slow PC try increasing SPEED and DELAY values  in "read_stash.ahk"
  2. If you can't figure out solution- set LOGGING variable to 1. And send me log.txt, inv.txt, classes.txt and sort.txt. (upload this files to somewhere, or just copy them to pastebin and give me link)


Link: http://github.com/Kokosoida/POEStashSort

(Click "Download ZIP" button at bottom right)

Edited by kokosoida
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could u give me some tips,I want add new items to sort system.(sort by the name of gems)

I don't understand 3-3.second word should be some class name(think it out).


here's U'r segment of classes.txt

Wisdom wsd
Portal prt
Scrap scr
there's one thing I know is "Second world is 3 letters"

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could u give me some tips,I want add new items to sort system.(sort by the name of gems)

I don't understand 3-3.second word should be some class name(think it out).


here's U'r segment of classes.txt

Wisdom wsd
Portal prt
Scrap scr
there's one thing I know is "Second world is 3 letters"



Example of classes.txt for you:

Fireball frb
Proliferation prf

Then you can use "frb" and "prf" in sort1.txt.




You can also setup classes.txt like this:

Fireball firebal
Proliferation prolif

But with this your sort1.txt will look crazy.

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hi, does it support the garena taiwan verson? many thanks.

It shouldn't work as is. 

But you can modify classes.txt with chinese names and it should start working.

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Out of 3 stash sorters I found, this is the only one that actually works.

It is too hard for me to improve this source code. But it works, so I closed my eyes tight and done some hacks.


-sorts gems (r-g-b, support r-g-b)

-positions mouse absolutely within poe window (moving mouse during action still bad, but it won't screw everything up)

-better name matching (now it will not place Bone Offering near rings because it's offeRING), case insensitive too


I'm using it so maybe you'll find it useful too.

Download AHK script


PS: Thanks for releasing the sources, kokosoida!


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Out of 3 stash sorters I found, this is the only one that actually works.

It is too hard for me to improve this source code. But it works, so I closed my eyes tight and done some hacks.


-sorts gems (r-g-b, support r-g-b)

-positions mouse absolutely within poe window (moving mouse during action still bad, but it won't screw everything up)

-better name matching (now it will not place Bone Offering near rings because it's offeRING), case insensitive too


I'm using it so maybe you'll find it useful too.

Download AHK script


PS: Thanks for releasing the sources, kokosoida!


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A great idea - make an option to count-currencies. So it scans through all available stashtabs, and lists the amount of each orb in a txt or something? that would be SO sweet! 

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