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introducing FerroKarr

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Hi there and greetings from Germany.

Who te fuck is FerroKarr?

Okay...It's me... 47 years old and mmorpg fan. Startet with Diablo 1+2 (Lod)+3,WoW... and most well known mmorpg.

Maybe some know me from D2? Cause in the past i did the german support forum from Mousepad MH and german D2 Bot Support ...

I scripted bots and tools for JED, later in D2jsp, D2NT, D2Bs and red/bluevex tools.

After time the D2 community get in the ages, everything start sleeping....

Now i found this game (PoE) and me and my nearest friends start to get interested in tools around this.

As it look like, your coding group is the first with a potentional "bot".

So i/we will use it and support it!

So far...

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Hi FerroKarr,

Ahhhhh this so useful Mousepad MH.....I loved it so much....saved me tons of hours for my Meph/Baal runs :)

If you loved the diablo 2 farming, then you'll obviously love the PoE farming (at least that's what i felt in love of on PoE).

I'm really glad you and your friends will use and support our bot.

Thanks a lot and welcome on our forums, feel free to post if you have any functionnality you'd like to see in our bot or if you have any suggestion about the forum itself and how i could improve it.

Mousepad MH....reminds me old and good days where i was watching for the release after every patch :')

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