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[MONSTER COUNTER] Counts enemys in range + attacks different

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Basic idea here is that the feature would count the number of monsters within "Distance" and if the number of monsters is below a "Set Number" then the bot will use a different attack.

In practice:

Large horde of monsters attacking the bot, It uses your "Right Click" skill lightning arrow linked with LMP and Chain to deal with them.

Horde is reduced down to the 1 Yellow monster that would usually take you a while to kill since you aren't using a single target skill, Bot counts there is only 1 monster nearby and swaps to your "Middle Click" skill, Frenzy, to finish it off.

Distance: User set, this could be any close-by number or possibly set to the range of an ability you are using

Set Number: User set, usually would set to the maximum number of targets that your higher damage skill can hit.

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rly nice idea.

saw this kind of self programming feature in other bots before, and i rly like it.

writing some explanations and ideas later and i hope i wont forget to mention this again.

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