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Self Rusher / Area change built in

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I'm really surprised this isn't a feature by now, as it would make this bot less "bot-like," and save a lot of time with new characters.


What I would like to see is the following,


- Ability to set the bot to go from area to area clearing it and then going to the next area

- Ability to complete quests on it's own

- Ability to cap WP's while doing the above

- Have a way to set it to do x runs on one area, and x on the next, and so on.



Completing quests may be a little ways down the road, but for starters, at least being able to have the bot go from one area to the next as if it's playing the game and clearing those areas seems rather uncomplicated based on where the bot is already at in terms of capabilities. Bot's get banned constantly for not being random enough and not looking human-like, and this would be a great leap forward in the right direction to avoid more bans/save time with new characters leveling/rushing.


Thank you


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if u want to make it a bit more random you can probably try making multiple profiles with dif farming areas set.


otherwise advancing area's intentionally is a little further down the road since this isn't an injection bot.

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