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[AVOID ITEM NEAR ENEMY] Avoid item if enemy nearby

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Avoid an item UNTIL the enemys within a certain range are dead, rather than rushing for item.

(Playing as Ranger)

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Completly agree, even for a melee character, the bot shouldn't be looting if there's a monster within an X meters range.

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Avoid an item UNTIL the enemys within a certain range are dead, rather than rushing for item.

(Playing as Ranger)

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Good idea, thank you !

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A simple solution as long as your coding is well organized. Simply put in a check function to see if there's anything to attack within a variable range before calling up the loot function. Also a user control function so they can edit the variable or turn on/off the feature would be good, and this can be done by using an if/else or switch statement when calling the check and referring the program look for the operating parameters in a config file.

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Agree with this however, we have a ton of functions like this one to implement and if we let people customise every single data (which isn't a problem for us) they'll end up losing themselves on the GUI..and i'm pretty sure most of them want a clean and easy to use UI, i think we'll just clean up the UI so advanced users and people who want to upgrade their bot's configuration will be able to do it while people who don't won't get lost in a too huge GUI.

Hum was kinda hard to explain it, hope my english isn't too bad for you do understand what i wanted to say. :)

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Oh I understand what you're saying completely. My advice would be to have basic user options accessible through the gui, while leaving things such as variable parameters in a script which gets called upon by the program. This way advanced users can go through the variable list and tweak things how they want to at their own peril, while average users can stick to the functions which operate through the gui.

Example : Player wants to increase the range the bot looks for items. You would have the search range on the bot allocated to a variable, and call upon that variable in say a script called "lootconfig.etc". A player could open lootconfig.etc, go to the line where the search range is allocated and alter the number to their preference.

This method was widely used with the diablo 2 bots, where just about every parameter used was stored in scripts in order for people to even set up the bot they would need to go into the scripts and set up their preferences as the gui of the d2 bots left very little support aside from launch game window and start botting.

Reference : D2NT

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The GUI for this bot will be VERY handy for every feature that gets implemented. "I" personally don't like having to manually edit a "txt" file or anything of the sort, I like to be able to do it through the GUI... Once the GUI gets implemented, many many things are to come. Just bare with us....

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We'll see anyway once the GUI will be out there, we'll see how the comunity react to it...and we'll change it depending on what people think, i think it's the best way to do, however if we have to get rid of those things on the GUI, you'll still have a possibility to edit that on the config file ofc...

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had some problems with bot wandering outside the range of the items which should be looted.

my solution is to set the skill max range to 500 and the safe range to 300. works quite fine.probably not too cool for ranged builds.


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Keep in mind that a bot is a "retarded" human, he doesn't think like "Hmmm imma die if i stay here" so if getting shot by a few monster makes you die, then you're not botting in the proper zone :P (just my opinion)

Especially in PoE : Quantity of killed monsters > Quality of killed monsters (meaning i'd rather farm 2 levels under my level and destroying monsters than having troubles to survive to fight in a zone of my level)

So your fix shouldn't be a problem for ranged builds, at least for the people thinking the same way as i do.

And btw, for a bot, as in all games, tanky characters > all. :)

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Agree with this however, we have a ton of functions like this one to implement and if we let people customise every single data (which isn't a problem for us) they'll end up losing themselves on the GUI..and i'm pretty sure most of them want a clean and easy to use UI, i think we'll just clean up the UI so advanced users and people who want to upgrade their bot's configuration will be able to do it while people who don't won't get lost in a too huge GUI.

Hum was kinda hard to explain it, hope my english isn't too bad for you do understand what i wanted to say. :)

This might be true for some users, but a lot of users like to customize everything themselves, tweaking the data so it works perfectly for their character. I suggest you have a section for advanced settings, some which can be left alone and the bot will work fine, but you can tweak them if you want to.

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just dont change the system with the config files ;)

if u get used to the config files its as good as and even better than a gui ;P


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just dont change the system with the config files ;)

if u get used to the config files its as good as and even better than a gui ;P


I liked the config files for the D2NT bot for Diablo 2. They were pretty simple, but if you had the time and understanding you could customize a lot.

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