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Enable Ward loop not seeing Skeletons buff

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Has anyone else had an issue with Exile Bot not seeing the Skeleton buff? 

I checked Enable Wardloop and everything works almost perfectly. The bot opens all of the stash tabs, go into a map, uses all of my flasks and weapons swaps starting the loop. But it doesn't stop weapon swapping or using the flasks. 

Is there a talent point that changes the name of the skeleton buff?

The build normally uses Anomalous Summon Skeletons and i thought that buff might be different, so i put on a normal summon skeletons gem and it still just sits at the start of a map weapon swapping and using flasks. 

I'm at the 27% breakpoint so i am casting summon skeletons 5 times a second. but even when i remove gems and only cast 1 time a second, it still continues to weapon swap. So i doubt this is the issue. 

Anyone have any ideas?

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