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Keybinding to Start The Bot

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Dear ExiledBot Team, 


My request its very Simple


Is it possible to add a personnalised or not, key binding features for Starting the bot.

Like a F Button

Only For Starting




Also will be nice to have Chaos and regret recipe Farming !!!

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I mean the first start button not pause and resume. 

Like space or enter maybe someting like that will be cool !


I want to automate the process of restarting my vm'S

and i cant automated the start bot.

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Hello there.


What you are asking for can easily be done with a small AutoHotKey script.

I've quickly written one up that you might find useful.

TrayTip,ExiledBot_Start,ExiledBot_Start is now running.
settimer,CheckForBot,1000 ;Comment this out if you want it to run even when the bot is not running.

^F12::  ;HotKey = Control+F12
Process, Exist, ExiledBot.exe
if (ErrorLevel = 0)
MsgBox ExiledBot is not running.
ControlClick,Button3,ahk_pid %ErrorLevel%
;Exitapp      ;Uncomment Exitapp if you want this program to close after the bot starts.

Process, Exist, ExiledBot.exe
if (ErrorLevel = 0)

Just start this program with your bot and Control+F12 becomes start bot.


Hope that helps. =P

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