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Pickit Flag [Category] "Flask"

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It would be nice to have a category of flasks rather than call each flask by name individually.


Pickit flag [Category] "Flask" 

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So I went through and stuck a bunch of the flasks in my Pickit.

// Hybrid Flasks
[Category] == "Flask" && [Type] == "Small Hybrid Flask" && [StashItem] == "True"
[Category] == "Flask" && [Type] == "Medium Hybrid Flask" && [StashItem] == "True"
[Category] == "Flask" && [Type] == "Large Hybrid Flask" && [StashItem] == "True"
[Category] == "Flask" && [Type] == "colossal Hybrid Flask" && [StashItem] == "True"
[Category] == "Flask" && [Type] == "Sacred Hybrid Flask" && [StashItem] == "True"
[Category] == "Flask" && [Type] == "Hallowed Hybrid Flask" && [StashItem] == "True"

//Specialty Flasks
[Category] == "Flask" && [Type] == "Granite Flask" && [StashItem] == "True" // 3000 armor
[Category] == "Flask" && [Type] == "Diamond Flask" && [StashItem] == "True" //lucky critstrike
[Category] == "Flask" && [Type] == "Jade Flask" && [StashItem] == "True" // 3000 evasion
[Category] == "Flask" && [Type] == "Quartz Flask" && [StashItem] == "True" // movement not blocked
[Category] == "Flask" && [Type] == "Quicksilver Flask" && [StashItem] == "True" //Mov SPD 
[Category] == "Flask" && [Type] == "Ruby Flask" && [StashItem] == "True" //Fire Res 
[Category] == "Flask" && [Type] == "Topaz Flask" && [StashItem] == "True" //Light Res 
[Category] == "Flask" && [Type] == "Amethyst Flask" && [StashItem] == "True" //Chaos Res [Category] == "Flask" && [Type] == "Sapphire Flask" && [StashItem] == "True" //Cold Res 
//Recovers Instantly, Res, Mov Spd 
[Category] == "Flask" && [Rarity] == "Magic" # [local_flask_resistances_+%_while_healing] >= "1" && [StashItem] == "True" 
[Category] == "Flask" && [Rarity] == "Magic" # [local_flask_movement_speed_+%_while_healing] >= "1" && [StashItem] == "True"
Edited by MPUop

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