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Bot with ExileHUD

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Hi there,

maybe you could implement ExileHUD into the Bot ?

Monster search over Hud mini map wouldnt skip so much Mobs,

also easier Path Finding maybe.Just an Idea.

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i'm guessing that's an injection? if so this bot won't have it, since exile bot is promoting non-injection

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ExileHUD doesn't use injection, it's works similarly to how the bot works as far as I'm aware in that it monitors memory addresses, in the case of the bot, the bot then responds depending upon these values, for exilehud it simply draws on a transparent, click-through able window that sits on top of your PoE window.


Why you would want to combine the two however, I don't know.

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So that you can keep track of your bot runs chicken death xp item counts while the POE game window and the exiledbot window are automatically moved to the middle of the screen with the POE game window ontop thus blocking the Bot window.


also you would not have to combine them just create another overlay for the bot.

Edited by MPUop

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