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Run only map with x% of quantity or reroll map without x% of item in aera

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For a while I used the function reroll a map if the mod does not suit me.
However, sometimes the map that I did get a small% of item more.
Ex: "Area Yields 11% more item"


And I do not use chisels because I have too little.

Is it possible to have a map of reroll if the percentage of a map item is less than x% (set value)


something like that :

[map_item_aera_yields+%] < "25" && [Rarity] == "Magic" # [RerollMods] == "true"


So i will only run map with 26% of more item




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can bot be setted actually to use augmentations instead of alterations to get the second mod on a map? It would be great

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can bot be setted actually to use augmentations instead of alterations to get the second mod on a map? It would be great

Currently not possible. Yeah, it would be nice.

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