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Make bot sell crap

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Suggestion: The bot is coded to always pick uniques and currency irrespective of smartpickit on/off and checkboxes, so that is presumably outside of the main pickit routine. Can't something be written in that ALWAYS sells whites and blues when it gets to vendor without the picking that would happen if you put a sell line in the pickit that is only overridden by a stash line in the pickit? The problem's not too bad (worse recently with the new looting) but it can now fill my stash with crap over 2-3 days and it's a hassle to always have to stay on top of that and keep checking them all the time. I know the looting is still being worked on but be good to have something in there that takes care of this whatever is going on looting wise. I often assume there's not much to the things I suggest I know, but will it be that hard to just put a check in the vendoring routine that sells shit unless it's in the pickit. Something's been added recently to sell chrome items, be a similar thing again but without needing the picking side.


And actually a thought on that last point just to check, presume something has been written in to cover the situation where an item the pickit is defined to stash has the chrome socket configuration to still stash it yes? Be gutted to get a chrome for a shavs ;) If so then it'd be exactly the same vendoring code more or less; is it a chrome item? yes/no. is there anything in pickit to stash it? sell/stash ---> is it a white/blue item? yes/no. is there anything in pickit to stash it? sell/stash

Edited by bonebox

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Yeah my suggestion is more that the code is already written for chromes and can be copied for white/blues, makes the job a lot easier :)

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is it a chrome item? yes/no. is there anything in pickit to stash it? sell/stash ---> is it a white/blue item? yes/no. is there anything in pickit to stash it? sell/stash

The priorities here are broken. a) Don't put chromatics rule first, b) no need to look at the stash twice. For now it is: Pickit? -> Default config(checkboxes from the main window)? -> Sell. 


Generally the action applied to the item is defined by the very first rule this item matches. It is invert logic of firewalls and other defensive programs - If the `item` doesn't match even 1 rule then it is blocked.


Similar way it is done in the EB, so if the Chromatics rule is at the first place it could mark as chromes Uniques/Rares etc.

Edited by FakeName

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