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Hold alt while looting

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I've noticed that sometimes when looting the bot misses getting things first time because the alt press seems timed in with the clicks and sometimes they must be slightly out of sync. You can see this when you have item highlight off and the labels flash on and off. This seems worse with 0.19b and I've noticed it stuck trying to pick things up with them completely out of sync not sure what's going on there.  Why do that? Just press and hold the alt key when it starts looting and release when it's finished.

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Cheers Alk, sure that'll help :) But why have a delay at all, why not just hold alt during looting and release when done? Much more reliable surely?

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ah kk. Don't quite get that tho if it's timing the left click with the alt what's the difference in terms of what it does pick up? On the flip side if the alt does mis-time with the click it can miss stuff.

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