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A new pickit flag: [StashTab] == "x"

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Hey there!


This is obviously not a high priority thing, but in case you get a moment between boss runs and (hopefully) improved pickit system :)


I think it would be a great help to have a flag for our pickit file to specify in which stash tab we want the item to be put (and use the normal settings if the stash tab specified happens to be full ofcourse). This would help the bot run longer without supervising it (an generally make the stash organisation simpler), which is always a nice thing when youre running many bots and/or have an otherwise busy life. Also having seperate stash tabs only for currency or maps etc would make it look more human I imagine.

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A nice idea indeed but unless the stashing process will get way faster (espeacially cycling through the different stashtabs) i would not activate such feature  :oops:

Just imagine you've got a full stash and the items in your stash are ordered (which ofcurse happens random due to the order the items drop) like this: first items tab2, second item tab4, third item tab1, and so fuckin on ^^

Stashing would take ages  :oops:

Yeah good point. Although using it say only for maps and good uniques wouldn't make the stashing considerably longer but would decrease the mess in the stash quite a lot :)

Edited by bbones

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I for one would like to use this to sort out currencies from everything else. 


question though, would the pickit defined tab have to be defined in the bot gui as well?

If not then the bot could skip the tab but the pickit would still use it.

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I was just thinking it wouldn't have to be a new flag, it could use the old flag but with new values.


[stashItem] == "True"
[stashItem] == "Tab 1"
[stashItem] == "T 5"
[stashItem] == "True Tab 2"
[stashItem] == "True T3"
Which ever makes the most sense or is easiest to implement.

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