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Back and forth workaround

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Just a suggestion in lieu of a fix.... ;) I've seen it happen so many times and from what I can see it can be between any 2 destinations, be that item or mob or chest or whatever, so must be something in the core of the pathfinding routine. And it's definitely thresholded, if for example I leap over on of the turn points most times it'll just go on it's way. So:


1st: detect it's happening - track last 4 or 6 things it's headed towards and if they're cycling then it's stuck.


2nd: Ignore one of them for say 10 secs, that should be enough for it to get past whatever distance threshold and get it going again

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I've observed it many times too and bonebox seems to be completely right about the cause of it as far as I can tell.

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Agreed. I see this issue almost every other run when farming piety due to all the fencing and cages in the area. I also have run into it while mapping in places with lots of small rooms close to each other. You either supervise and intervene or risk losing a map all together as it then ports out and back in over and over until out of portals wasting tons of time and a map.

Edited by milb1989

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