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Hello. My brother introduced me to your website (Devanzr is his member name) and the bot. I tried the 'trial' session on quite a few characters over the last weeks and now since my main has dinged in at 45 I decided to make the purchase (my status is currently awaiting approval.. hint hint). He and I have been gaming pretty solid for the last 15-16 years, we're in our late 20's early 30's in age, definitely keeping the gaming genre alive for people who are beyond their teenage years. We game as a hobby or even a sport, if you will. 


We found PoE by chance over Steam, in the free to play section of games available to play, I tried it out originally right around when it released, and told my bro about it, he hadn't heard about it when I mentioned it originally, and now he plays it more than I do! Thanks to him, your website earned another member, soon to be elite+ status (me) and another purchase of your bot. 


The bot is amazing, it really helps a ton with leveling and gathering orbs alike, it definitely makes our gaming together more enjoyable having currency at our fingertips and many array of weapons/armors to choose from or break down. Glad to see there's a small community of gamers based around the concept of the bot as well. 


We're usually not that active on forums, though you might see one of us chime in at one point or another. Glad to be part of your bot-support and keep up the great work. 




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