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Please randomize the window title or set it to a custom setting, and other things to make this bot not trivially easy to detect

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Really freaking easy to detect this program. This is really scary. C#:



if (Process.GetProcesses().Any(t => t.MainWindowTitle.ToLower().Contains("exiled bot")))


Returns true, and worse yet, if I


        static extern int SetWindowText(IntPtr hWnd, string text);
        SetWindowText(process.MainWindowHandle, "Firefox");
As soon as the application gets focus, the application reverts its title back to "Exiled Bot". I literally can't make the application not trivially easy to detect by constantly polling and resetting the window title even if I try.
Also, do you have / can you expose a method that allows allow me to invoke Exiled Bot's main program with no UI as a console thread I own? The only way I could feel remotely safe about this right now is if I could run it as a thread with arguments and no window, and then do something after spawning Exiled Bot as a thread that my process owns.
Edited by HelloHello

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It's illegal to watch the memory of a computer without user's agreement.

The only memory you have the right to look at is the one used by your program.

Personal privacy law is not something trivial.

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The OS voluntarily returns a handle on all the processes, and this is part of the OS design - processes are visible and accessible to other programs. The Process object in the .NET library does not expose the global memory state of the process, but it does expose facts like the window title. I'm sure there are similar Microsoft functions for C++.


This can be alleviated by not running the bot as an ordinary application, e.g. thread injection into a third program, and THEN GGG would have to forcefully inspect your memory in more invasive ways, but I'm talking about a function that requires no administrative privileges to use and the OS allows, hell, Microsoft implemented by design.


It doesn't make sense that this is clearly illegal unless you actually have a specific court case in New Zealand or a statement from GGG.

Edited by HelloHello

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GGG doesn't disclose how they detect botting. What % of the user base would you guess runs a windows program titled "Exiled Bot" that isn't this bot?

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It's not like I have problems getting unbanned really.

If GGG had proof that my ExiledBot Window was up I would not get unbanned, instead all they can say is that they are sorry.

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There are a lot of other issues that are more likely to get users banned than the name of the window


I'd rather Alk spend his time making the bot's in-game actions a more humanlike rather than worry about something that GGG doesn't concern itself with. If GGG did look at window titles then we'd all already be instantly banned

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It's illegal to watch the memory of a computer without user's agreement.

The only memory you have the right to look at is the one used by your program.

Personal privacy law is not something trivial.




If GGG was looking at memory, they'd be breaking about a dozen federal offenses, in their own country alone.

Where i live, you're doomed if you do something like that, like.. literally.. the rest of your life will be lived on old bread and water :P

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Unfortunately, this is not entirely true. If they would explicitly mention it in their TOS, they would naturally have the right to scan the user memory. Of course, only if the player accepts their TOS but this is necessary to play the game ;)


Maybe in their own country, but they'd be breaking my countrys rules even if its stated in their TOS.

It would need to ask me "Would you like Path of Exile to perform a memory scan to look for malicious software?" Yes/No - Otherwise, they're not allowed, and they would be facing quite severe consequences.


So, even if they put that in their TOS, no :P

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Since they would be reading an ever changing source, they would need to ask permission every single time they'd want to check.

A lot of countries have different rules regarding this, and this is also why most if not all developers do not do this, at least for commercial uses.

It's far too much trouble to regard every countries rules.


If you ever wanna get into developing stuff for commercial use, you'd better read up on stuff :P - You'll hurt yourself if you don't xD

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I'm "into developing stuff for commercial use". That's my day job. I may have been doing it longer than you have been in school.


Since requesting a handle on the System.Process object does not scan memory, not that any of you are legal experts, I consider it pretty unlikely that a court of law would find it to be scanning memory. Regardless, you should never want to rely on the idea that people at GGG or at any company have never used a common piece of Microsoft functionality that is undetectable without a lot of reverse engineering, possibly without the leads even knowing about it, simply because it's theoretically illegal in your opinion.


Think about every hole or weakness in the bot, whether it should or shouldn't be found by the devs because of legal issues or whatever, as being sort of like fucking somebody without a condom. It's a bad risk. THIS is a bad risk. This bad risk ought to be very easy to remedy. It's extremely easy to change the window title and process description.


What do you end up with when you take dozens of bad risks? When you don't stop taking bad risks?

A bad outcome. Y'all are too nonchalant about these little bad risks. They pile up into a big bad risk.


Good luck.

Edited by HelloHello

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Honestly I find it weird that devs are still trying to tweak minor bug fixes instead of implementing randomization... This program is pretty much unusable.. way easier ways to make $$ on other games atm

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