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Totem skill for RF builds.

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Hey guys, 


My suggestion is adding a skill trigger specifically to deal with totems when in range with added priority


My RF (+MF) build gets stuck standing next to totems in maps until I manually drop my Searing Bond (as RF doesn't damage totems) to destroy them. Let alone if its a regen or vaal totem..!





Thanks guys, keep up the great work - loving all the new features (CHANCING!)

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I don't totem, I RF - as I stated. SB just happens the be the most effective 3 link fire damage scaling skill (with MF build) that can efficiently kill totems.


It can be easily implemented with a drop down selection in the target selection list (both, normal, special, TOTEM) and searched for the same way as the other options. The skill will be activated when a totem is in the defined range and priority. The same as any other detection+skills function.

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